English Phrases

100 Common Phrasal Verbs in English

100 Common Phrasal Verbs in English
Written by Muhammad Waqas

100 Common Phrasal Verbs in English | Learn list of Phrasal Verbs That are used in English conversation to practice spoken English. These are common phrasal verbs that should be used by any English learner to improve not only writing but also spoken.

100 Phrasal Verbs


            In English grammar, phrasal verb is the combination of two or more words i.e. verb+ adverb, an adverb+ preposition.

Examples: Turn on, run into, sit up etc.

  1. Throw away: To dispose

We threw our furniture away when we shifted here.


  1. Break into: Interrupt

He broke into conversation and told the whole story.


  1. Look back: To think about something that happened in past

When I look back, I feel myself happy.


  1. Hold on: To wait; particularly on phone

Please hold on for a minute. I will be back.


  1. Bring back: Fetch something

Can I bring the car back from his house?


  1. Keep in: Not allow something out

Students were kept in after school.


  1. Let on: Make clear

You don’t need to let on that how courageous you are.


  1. Let down: Lengthen

My brother is a tailor; he will let my sleeves down.


  1. Come across: Discover by accident

I came across a car which I never saw before.


  1. Do down: Criticize someone

You have to stop doing yourself down.

  1. Ask after: To ask for information about someone

I was asking about her mother.


  1. Come back: Return

When will you come back?


  1. Wake up: Stop sleeping, or make someone stop sleeping

They often wake me up early in the morning.


  1. Check back: Return to see everything is OK

We will check back last week to confirm the survey.


  1. Set aside: To reserve something for particular aim

John has set aside his money for kids.


  1. Get up: Stop sleeping and leave bed

He got up early in the morning.


  1. Keep to: Continue

She kept to confuse me the whole day.


  1. Use up: Finish the supply of something

I have used up all my stationary to him.


  1. Run over: Read through or practice something quickly

We ran over his notes before going the home.


  1. Back out: Withdraw from something one has agreed to do

He backed out of the agreement.

  1. Wipe out: To destroy something completely

People are worried that climate change will wipe out coffee crop.


  1. Make for: Move towards

He already made for home when I arrived.


  1. Carry on: Continue

You carry on please. I don’t interrupt you.


  1. Go along: To develop

He is going along well now.


  1. Pass out: Become unconscious

He passed out because it was dark there.


  1. Get around: To travel to different places

I will get around from town to town.


  1. Read off: Read aloud from a list

I read the number off from the book.


  1. Take up: To begin a new hobby

I took up playing basketball because I am not good in football.


  1. Check off: Make a mark next to

Check each name of this list.


  1. Lie around: Be in an unknown place

They lie around there in evening.

  1. Clear out: Leave, disappear

I asked him to clear out the office.


  1. Rule out: Make something impossible

His art just ruled out in the history.


  1. Bear with: Be patient

We have to bear with his excuses.


  1. Get ahead of: Move in front of

In the end, he got ahead of the team.


  1. Do up: Execute a task or performance

He can do up this dealing very well.


  1. Black out: Fall unconscious

We black out of the room at night.


  1. Bone on up: Study hard for a goal or reason

He can bone on up if he remains focused.


  1. Harp on: Talk repeatedly about something

I was absent last week and my boss keeps harping on it.


  1. Have against: Dislike, disagree

I have nothing against their offers.


  1. Hanker for: Want something a lot especially if you can’t have it

I have always hankered for a diamond ring.


  1. Hate on: Be jealous or hate anyone

I hate on people who ignore me.


  1. Have around: Entertain someone in your home

We will have around your company.


  1. Back down: Withdraw your position in an argument

She refused to back down and was fired.


  1. Have in: Entertain people in your home

We had them in last night with us.


  1. Back into: Enter a parking area in reverse gear

He prefers to back his car into garage.


  1. Have down as: Think of someone or something in a particular way

I had her down as a liberal, but I was wrong.

  1. Back off: Retreat

The police told the protestors to back off.


  1. Have in: Have a supply of something in a specific place

Do we have any wine in?


  1. Back out: Fail to keep an arrangement or promise

They often back their offers out.


  1. Have it in for: Hold a grudge

He has not had it in for me since our last meeting.


51. Break down. to break  down something such as an idea

52. Call around. calling to many people at a time

53. Calm down. to make something peaceful

54. Clean up. to make something neat and clean

55. Come around. to make up mind to accept something

56. Come between. to create unpleasant situation between people

57. Come up. to come forward to someone

58. Dive into. to begin involving something with enthusiasm

59. Dress up.  Changing the face looks by wearing clothes

60. End up. to get into a particular situation.

61.Fall apart. to break into pieces

62. Find out.  to discover a fact of information

63. Get ahead.  to become successful in life

64. Get at. to obtain something

65. Get by. to manage something great difficulty

66. Get into. to show interested in some subject or activity

67. Get over. to get recovery from an illness

68. Give up. to stop doing something

69. look after. taking care of someone

70. See to. dealing with anybody

71. Show off. to display something in a proud manner

72. Take after. to chase the footsteps of someone

73. Top off. finishing something in remarkable manner

100 Common Phrasal Verbs in English

100 Common Phrasal Verbs in English

About the author

Muhammad Waqas