English Phrases

20 Best Ways to Say I Don’t Know in English

20 Best Ways to Say I Don't Know in English
Written by Muhammad Waqas

Have you ever been unsure about something and didn’t know what to say? That’s when we often use the phrase “I don’t know”. In this blog post, we’ll talk about what it means to say “I don’t know” in English. It’s a simple way of saying that we’re uncertain or don’t have the answer to a question. Sometimes, it’s okay not to know everything, and “I don’t know” helps us admit that. Join us as we explore how this phrase is used in different situations and why it’s important, to be honest when we’re not sure about something.

20 Best Ways for I Don’t Know in English

  • I’m not sure.
  • It is beyond me.
  • Let me check on that.
  • What do you think?
  • I can find out for you.
  • I’m afraid, I have no idea.
  • I have been wondering the same.
  • I have no idea
  • I have no clue
  • How should I know?
  • Don’t ask me
  • I haven’t the foggiest idea
  • Your guess is as good as mine.
  • Not as far as i know
  • I do not anything about…
  • Search me
  • Dunno (informal)
  • It’s a mystery to me
  • That requires a bit more.
  • Hmm( interjection).

Phrases for I Don’t Know with Detail

  • I’m not sure:
    Used when you are uncertain or lacking confidence about something.
  • It is beyond me:
    Used when something is too difficult or complicated for you to understand or solve.
  • Let me check on that:
    Used to indicate that you will verify or investigate something to provide accurate information.
  • What do you think?:
    Used to solicit someone else’s opinion or thoughts on a matter.
  • I can find out for you:
    Used to express willingness to gather information or research something on behalf of someone else.
  • I’m afraid, I have no idea:
    Used to indicate a lack of knowledge or information about a topic.
  • I have been wondering the same:
    Used to express agreement or solidarity with someone else’s uncertainty or curiosity.
  • I have no idea:
    Similar to “I’m afraid, I have no idea,” indicating a complete lack of knowledge or understanding.
  • I have no clue:
    Informal way of expressing that you have no knowledge or understanding of something.
  • How should I know?:
    Used to express frustration or annoyance when someone expects you to have an answer to something you don’t know.
  • Don’t ask me:
    Used to deflect a question when you don’t have an answer or don’t want to respond.
  • I haven’t the foggiest idea:
    Informal way of saying you have no idea or understanding of something.
  • Your guess is as good as mine:
    Used to convey that you have no better idea or understanding of something than the other person.
  • Not as far as I know:
    Used to indicate that the speaker’s knowledge is limited and may not cover the topic in question.
  • I do not anything about…:
    Incorrect phrase, should be “I do not know anything about…”
  • Search me:
    Informal way of saying you have no idea or understanding of something.
  • Dunno (informal):
    Informal contraction of “don’t know,” indicating a lack of knowledge or understanding.
  • It’s a mystery to me:
    Used to express bewilderment or confusion about something.
  • That requires a bit more:
    Used to indicate that further investigation or explanation is needed to answer a question or solve a problem.
  • Hmm (interjection):
    Used to express hesitation, contemplation, or uncertainty.
20 Best Ways to Say I Don't Know in English

20 Best Ways to Say I Don’t Know in English

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About the author

Muhammad Waqas