
Dialogue about Family Members in English

Dialogue about Family Members in English
Written by Muhammad Waqas

Dialogue about Family Members in English. Learn essential English conversations about Family with is quite important to have conversations with our family members and for that, it is necessary to learn some good English phrases that can help us communicate effectively. talking to our family members where we spend most of our time, is extremely essential therefore here is a complete English conversation about family.

Conversation about Family

A:  Hello!
B:  Hi!
A:  How are you?
B:   I’m fine. Thanks.
A: Let‘ us talk about your family.
B:  Yes, sure. Why not.
A: It looks you have a big family.
B:  No, I really don’t have much big family.
A:  How many people are there in your family?
B:  There are five people in my family. My father, mother, sister, brother and me.
A:  Does your family live in a house or an apartment?
B:  We live in a house in the countryside
A:  What does your father do?
B:  My father is a doctor. He works at the local hospital.
A: How old is your mother?
B:  She is 40 years old, 1 year younger than my father.
A:  Do you have any siblings? What’s his/her name?
B:  Yes, I do. I have 1 elder brother, Anas, and 1 little sister, Maryam.
A:  Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters?
B:  No, I’m not. I’m the second child in my family.
A: What about you!
B:  I am an only child.

Dialogue about Family Members in English

Dialogue about Family Members in English

A:   Do your siblings fight with one another?
B:   Ha..ha.., It’s not always like that. We sometimes fight over petty things.
A:   What does your mother/father like?
B:  My father likes playing cricket and my mother likes cooking.
A:   Do your parents let you stay out late?
B:   Of course not. They always ask me to get home before evening.
A:  Do you stay with your parents?
B:  Right now, no, but I used to.
A: Does your family live together or separately?
B: Well, by the grace of Allah, we still whole family live together in a house.
A:  Who takes decision in your family?
B: in my family, only my father takes the final decisions.
A:  How often do you see your family?
B:  Almost every day.
A:  It was really nice talking to you.
B: Me too. I felt really good having words with you.
A: Goodbye, take care of yourself.
B: Goodbye, take care of yourself too!

Dialogue about Family Members in English

Dialogue about Family Members in English

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About the author

Muhammad Waqas