
List of 12 Months of the Year Names in English

List of 12 Months of the Year Names in English
Written by Muhammad Waqas

The word “month” is derived from the word “moon”. The months are categorized according to the moon’s orbits.

1/12th part of a year is called a month, which is the unit of time just like seconds, minutes, hours, days and years.

The purpose of dividing a year into months is to break it up into smaller intervals to make it easy for us to remember days and mark the time.

According to the Gregorian calendar, a year consists of 12 months. The number of days in each month is normally considered 30. But these may vary from 28 to 31. A year consists of 365 days.

February has 28 days normally, but once within the four years, it contains 29 days, and this year is called a leap year. So, the leap year contains 366 days. The extra day in February is called intercalary day.

According to the Gregorian calendar, four months contain 30 days. Seven months contain 31 days. February contains 28 days normally. While the leap year contains one extra day in February, it contains 29 days in that case.

The division of the time into shorter units is very easy for us. Similarly, the division of months into 12 years makes it easy to remember different occasions and dates. We all write the date in our documents, school and office work. In fact, our every day starts with the days of months. So, we need to remember the name of the months to remember different occasions.

Most adults are already familiar with the names of the months. And in case you don’t know, you can check this post. Kids learn months of the year in the very first grades at school.

Months’ names help us to organize and remember different occasions, meetings, exam date sheets, and birthdays.

If you want to learn months’ names in English, visit our post. You can check how many days are there in a specific month and what’s the abbreviation of each month.

Months Names in English

  1. January/Jan (31 days) 
  2. February/Feb (28 or 29 days)
  3. March/Mar (31 days)
  4. April/Apr (30 days)
  5. May (31 days)
  6. June (30 days)
  7. July (31 days)
  8. August/Aug (31 days)
  9. September/Sept (30 days)
  10. October/Oct (31 days)
  11. November/Nov (30 days)
  12. December/Dec (31 days)
    List of 12 Months of the Year Names in English

    List of 12 Months of the Year Names in English

About the author

Muhammad Waqas